TLDR: Even considering only innate IQ differences between races and differences in sexual attractiveness; the relationship between Whites and equally or more competent members of racial minorities must inevitably be hostile because the ideal strategy for other-race elites is to help themselves by hurting whites instead of competing fairly in a meritocracy.
Here are some questions which might illustrate the concept of, to put it mildly, fundamentally unbridgeable differences.
- Should you accept free company funded protection from a bodyguard whose cannot-be-fired for any reason contract actually paid him more if you were injured?
- Should you offer someone a board-member seat or employment contract that provides them with a larger than dividend bonus every-time your company fails to meet it’s earnings targets, or registers a loss?
When you loose. He gains, more than if you win. Is this a functional arrangement?
In either of these artificially ridiculous scenarios (yes your contracts department is part of a conspiracy to bump you off, and insiders are probably shorting your company) does it make the case for accepting the board-member or bodyguard any better to say… -
‘But look at how high IQ he is! He’s got a higher IQ than you do! I hear he’s really good at his job!’?
This really is the ultimate softball. Obviously, it doesn’t make it better for you that someone whose basic incentives are hostile to your interests, and whose ideal strategy is to sabotage them to be high IQ. It’d actually be better if he were low IQ.
Now consider the high IQ member of a low IQ minority (for starters, The Elite Black)
What’s the optimal strategy for an IQ Elite Black person from a purely financial perspective? One genuinely capable of performing well without a boost. Is it to accept a race-blind society, where he can do well? Or is it to look down at the millions of low IQ members of the same or other minorities and tell them -
“Your outcomes are due to the white man keeping you down!”
“They be keeping me down too!”
And then to use his community as stormtroopers to demand a higher position than he could possibly obtain on the basis of merit? To fan the flames of racial hatred and then charge for their extinction, while of course never actually delivering on this promise, at least not for long?
And even if a permanent agreement could be reached, should we resign ourselves to paying protection money forever?
One again we are looking at a situation where, almost as surely as in the insane hypothetical I posed earlier… someone’s interests are diametrically opposed to yours.
Their optimal strategy for personal gain is to cause you harm.
This Zero-Sum Relationship is almost Inescapable
Imagine for a moment a Legally Race-Blind Society
Let’s pull a Deus Ex-Machina in which all the supporters of legal race-blindness get exactly what they want.
All forms of pro racial-minority discrimination end entirely. We become a legally race blind meritocracy; which means of course that Black representation at most top Elite positions (outside of sports, entertainment and music) falls to 1% or less. Nearly the same happens with any part or full Amer-Indian Latinos. In our insane hypothetical Leftists, Liberals and Blacks actually fall under a literal spell and don’t disturb this process at all for !20yrs!, all thoughts that might disturb the peace are literally banished from their minds.
What happens on year 21?
Well even in the absence of much malevolence, even in a world where most people tacitly accepted the existence of some innate race differences; there are gaps so large that even most White people simply can’t understand how they could be normal. In this world, most White people are not themselves elites, or in direct contact with them but they know a few Black people in their lives who are right above them or parallel to them in the cognitive hierarchy and who do their jobs perfectly well. But when they look further up at the tv screens, or open a journal, they see close to zero Blacks. Even if they never ask the question themselves, they are primed to be sympathetic to it when it re-appears with a furious vengeance.
The question of course is - How can this not be discrimination? How can it not be racism? And it’s not one that’s gonna be functionally answered in a way normal people can understand.
- And of course, it’s impossible really not to notice the quality of life gap between normal Blacks and normal Whites.
- And female Black Elites who on paper have everything their White elite counterparts have still massively underperform them in minor(/sarc) things like the dating market. Are they just going to accept that yes most men simply consider white gals more attractive? A far smaller but still considerable amount of sexual resentment develops among Black male elites.
- Now people, even women can generally understand come to terms with not being attractive enough. But being part of an unattractive class of people is an entirely different cause of resentment; and one far easier to mobilize under. I am fighting for my race, is a hell of a better banner than I am fighting because men or women aren’t turned on by me. This is the meaning of “Black is Beautiful!”
- The same is true of financial and general career outcomes. When the Black professor looks up and sees only non-Blacks above him, he will feel bad, angry about it. And when he looks down and sees the State of Black America, the same vicious narrative will return to his mouth. And wreak the same amount of havok and destruction it does today.
“Your (comparatively) poor outcomes are due to the white man keeping you down!”
“They be keeping me down too!”
And the same quotas, and redistribution, etc would be demanded with once again a good chance of getting them.
After all, guess where outside of sports and entertainment Blacks would still be more proportionally represented in the top?
Their heroes, aspirations and complaints would naturally gravitate towards the field which is in effect almost entirely based around the theft of resources from the productive and their transfer to the unproductive. So even before any explicitly racial resentment re-emerged the influence of Blacks on our country would still, at least for those of us who desire an economically free society be primarily destructive.
But of course, non-Race-based politics would end the moment our once again entirely implausible spell faded away. We’d end up again with the same complaints, carrying the same strength, by the same race and with the support of even many well-meaning Whites.
This dynamic is bound to reappear with other races
It’s highly unlikely that anything like Black levels of violence or dysfunction will be emerging from part-Amer-Indian Latinos anytime soon, or maybe even ever. Right now they still have strong ties with the culture of the homeland, regularly visit, and many are entirely new immigrants. The first wave of immigrants will normally have a degree of fondness for the country they arrive at because they remember well just how poor the conditions of where they left from were. And they have no innate expectation of making it to the very top of our status hierarchies; or that they deserve to be represented there.
But their children do - in proportion to how much they assimilate. In fact, going after Spanish-only education and trying to break down the parallel societies that Latinos create here is the worst possible thing one can do because it moves them into competition into ours where they fall below. And when they fail, talks of the homeland, and how we have it good here at the bottom are not going to cut it. They are going to want their loot. If they are enfranchised, and they are, they will get it.
We don’t really need to add much here.
(Economics are not everything, status and sex matters too)
East Asians, and the well selected South Asians currently in America have the positive distinction of being able to proportionately and in-fact disproportionately arise to the top of the financial status hierarchies on their own merits. But this doesn’t make jumping on the anti-white gravy train a bad option. Telling other minority groups “Whites discriminate against me too, because I like you look different” still works.
It still means Asian elites can get the best possible deal by riding the anti-white tide of color. You know what’s better than equality? Supremacy. Use the underclass to knockoff your competitors. Of course, you always need more than pure financial calculations to motivate political action.
Sexual resentment steps in here again. Imagine you’re a man who does everything society told you you were supposed to do right. You make it to the very top of the formal academic and financial hierarchy but can’t find a woman who’ll love you. Your environment (at the top) means being surrounded by the very top women of your own race, but half of them marry White men. As for White women, most also prefer White men.
And yet everyone talks as if they lived in a race-blind society. Would you not feel wronged by that society?
I think you have to deny the most basic human impulses to think this isn’t a serious problem or that you can just handwave it away.
Here are the the 2009 responses to the ok-cupid survey on racial preferences. See the gap on racial preferences?
I’m sure this is not the only factor here. In fact, I know it isn’t and have a series on it. It might even not be the main factor. But it’s a big one.
Look at the 18-29 cohort’s 88% Democrat vote. It’s not the youth generally, remember that Trump got 53% of the White youth vote. This is what a political conflict that’s fundamentally racial looks like.
What to do?
Contra many (though by no means the majority) of people in this scene I think we can still get most of what we need through peaceful and morally unimpeachable policies towards minorities. In fact, I think acting with enormous restraint is essential. Within white society, we need at some point to be able to draw a few lines that justify permanently depriving those on the wrong side of any say in the future of our civilization. After all, we got here in the first place as a direct result the decisions of high IQ whites; however manipulated these may have been by stupid lies.
This, de-facto caste system is only going to happen if everyone else can unanimously agree that those opposing us once we take power are doing so not through any forgivable motives but out of the pure depravity of their hearts. We cannot give them anything that would make anyone stop for more than a moment and think, hey maybe they are right.
What does this mean, in practice? Well I think we can deal with a few bleeding heart sentimentalists; they may even serve a valuable purpose. But when someone like Samantha Power describes the horrors of Mugabe in Zimbabwe only to end with -
“For all their differences, Mugabe and Ian Smith share a basic misconception about power: they both fail to realize that a government cannot survive indefinitely when it advances the political and economic desires of the few at the expense of the many.”
- You have the right, duty and obligation to exclude or suppress them. You have no right to allow people like this any say over the future of your civilization. A general policy of tolerance and forgiveness is valuable not merely because it is in our nature; but because it allows us to exclude and suppress the totally unforgiveable and totally intolerable with absolute determination. So we are going to take the soft, the charitable approach.
Stop all new Non-White Immigration; and turn on the spigot for European immigration
Offer to buy out the citizenship of all racial minorities and to repatriate them to their ethnic homelands or to recently purchased, largely self governing colonies throughout the world.
Encourage racial homogenization within the country through voluntary incentives.
Break up most Federal functions into sub-federal units. Citizens of different races living as majorities of different regions should not have to support each-other beyond their basic common interests.
And we are going to crush anyone that stands in our way with the absolute certainty that they are fundamentally our enemies. Of course, everyone who jumps on board early gets the right to protect all their personal friends (of whatever race). And any members of other races who join our struggle before our victory is plausible, get honorary citizenship too, for themselves and for their posterity. These are simple things. There’s little glory or prestige in them; though there is plenty of both in the struggle we will have to undertake to achieve them. But we will establish a world that is safe for our people.
Blacks can also excel in sales. From what I remember attending a 40% Black high school, the Blacks were aggressively extroverted and damn proud of it. Well, extroversion can be handy in sales and some management roles.
we are living in a Revenge of the Nerds fantasy era, thanks to computers and government regulation. Go back a half century or more and the wage gap between nerds and normies was considerably lower.
Even assuming that the ability differences between Blacks and Whites are purely genetic, we could *productively* narrow the income gap if we ended subsidized outsourcing, definiancialized our economy, and made it easier to be a free agent. A populist agenda would have a positive disparate impact on Black America even if that agenda included ending affirmative action and DEI. (Anti discrimination laws and affirmative action are both double edges swords.)
"Contra many (though by no means the majority) of people in this scene I think we can still get most of what we need through peaceful and morally unimpeachable policies towards minorities. In fact, I think acting with enormous restraint is essential."
I thought the article was great, but I disagree with this. Think about it rationally. We have never been in a comparable situation where multiple non-White tribes are moving into EVERY White nation.
I think its irrational to think we are going to get out of this by showing "enormous restraint". We are already showing enormous restraint and tolerance, we are already trying our damnedest to be "morally unimpeachable" and it is getting us basically nothing. Anyways, its not up to us how this will go - the enemy has already drawn battle lines and announced their goals. It is irrational to ignore the fact that bloody war is on our doorstep.