Come on dude, this is right wing virtue signaling. You can disagree with the approach taken by Sailer and Murray, but they have objectively done a tremendous amount to popularize HBD and should be treated with respect. Both of them have practically had their careers ruined just for saying there are racial IQ differences, demanding they "be more racist" is just an unfair expectation when they're already really far outside the Overton window.

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Jun 22Liked by The Futurist Right

This pattern that you've noticed, where people convince themselves that something is not true, because they find the implications to be unpleasant, despite the fact that the evidence for the thing is overwhelming, is something that I've thought a lot about. In the last 6 or 7 years I've ostensibly become very right wing, although I just don't see myself that way. It's this ability to accept the truth about things (race differences, sex differences, etc.) even though the implications are unpleasant that seems to have pushed me to the right (in the current political environment). I don't think I'm temperamentally so. There are some people who don't want to deny the truth despite the consequences, and this is one thing that makes a lot of us 'right-wing' in the current climate. I don't think it's autism. I don't have trouble understanding that other people will be made uncomfortable or angry about these ideas. It's just that I see that you can't make progress on a problem unless you admit what it is. I get that it will hurt some people's feelings to admit these truths but there really is no other way. Things will just get worse and worse and worse until a critical mass of people just admits the truth and decides to deal with it as it really is.

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I’m a completely unwoke, Amy Wax loving, structural racism denying white dude who nevertheless finds this essay viscerally rank. Make whatever observations about group differences you can find, but treat people like individuals. This is a big country and there is no reason why whites and the rest of the citizenry can’t handle the black criminal class which is realistically not more than 20% of the black total, as well as uppity black elites drunk on envy and Afro-Marxist indoctrination. There are millions of black Americans who are decent people, much more decent than tens of millions of white Americans.

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"Make whatever observations about group differences you can find, but treat people like individuals"

No. Fuck you I refuse. We've tried this for 60 years and the problems have only gotten worse. That attitude is the reason we are where we are today. Blacks are the most ethnocentric group in America. I have every right to be as ethnocentric as them.

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An interesting observation from Jared Taylor about the proliferation of fat tattooed dumb white people who are living around blacks...

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Maybe we heard the same show, Jared speaking with Walt Benjamin recently. He stated how ugly and unappealing the white people are in Charleston WVA. He said he didn’t know why, speculated in passing it might have to do with whites living around blacks. But I just checked demographics and the place is only 15% black, 80% non-Hispanic white. So that’s unlikely cause. More likely that the poisoning comes from mass media I think.

Murray has done some good work on white decline. There needs to be more. Healthy white identity politics, IMO, just like healthy black identity politics, ought to focus on “pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps” and not having kids out of wedlock.

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The 20% of violent thugs do not spring out of nowhere. They are the product of a culture. Just like the majority of muslims are not violent islamists, but the violent islamists are the product of a culture that serves as fertile ground for violent islamism. If, as you say, the overwhelming majority of blacks are decent, then why do they allow the culture of their community to become so pathological as to produce the sort of behaviour we all see daily on social media?

No, the majority of blacks are not decent. Decent blacks are the exception, not the rule.

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What exactly do you expect ordinary black people to do about the thugs in their midst? Supporting the police and moving out of the ghetto asap into better neighborhoods and schools is what makes sense to me. Fought by assholes like you every step of the way.

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I expect them to change their culture. To embrace better values. To be better parents.

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Many of them are trying. It’s a tall order. It’s hard enough to get a single delinquent teen in one’s own family to change, let alone change a whole gang of them in one’s neighborhood. A big problem is that fathers are absent or in prison. We are seeing similar behaviors now with lower class whites and there has always been high criminality with the underclass in central and South America. Federal welfare spending arguably makes things worse but it’s still bad in economically underdeveloped countries without welfare.

At any rate, you’re stuck with the people you have in a democracy. Deal with it. Efforts to ethnically cleanse will be thwarted thanks to the Second Amendment and troublemaking Jews like me, eager to pass out guns to other scapegoated citizens and put cold hard lead into the brain tissue of people who would seek to trespass upon our private property.

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"troublemaking Jews like me" ... lol are you a psy-op or just really eager to affirm the stereotype?

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Not too stereotypical, since unlike many Jews I affirm the free speech rights of wignats to say whatever stupid shit comes into their tiny brains. Just a friendly reminder, on behalf of every Jew and non-white whose ancestor came to this country legally, that America is our fucking country and we are not leaving. Why don't you leave?

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“What I’ve been doing is wrong” is a really hard sell. I’ve long wondered why people were so crazy over Covid or why they oppose school choice. I think the reason is that it would require admitting error or weakness.

“I sent my kid to public school not because it was best for them, but because I didn’t want to pay for something better.” This is so had to admit that people will oppose being given the option to choose something different.

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This is a radical idea, but maybe blacks (and Woke whites) would fetishize black criminals less if they didn't believe any longer that the white man was keeping the black man down? Nathan Cofnas argues that the more people embrace race realism, the more that they can be de-Wokified.

Do race realist blacks fetishize black criminals? I know that there are few race realist blacks, but shouldn't we be actively working to massively increase their numbers?

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Race realism is unlikely to ever gain favor with blacks because what do they have to gain from accepting it as true? Nothing, that's what. And they stand to lose a lot.

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It can be combined with a promise on the part of the white man to make Wakanda a reality for blacks. Wouldn’t blacks absolutely love for their own race to be uplifted so that they would have an average IQ of 130+? With enough voluntary eugenics in the right direction, it could eventually happen.

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Check out aknation news on YouTube he’s a race realist black who I don’t believe fetishizes criminals, quite entertaining guy. The problem with race realism/hbd is of course black or white 99.9% of people fulminate against it and are bottlenecked out. I haven’t found a form of propaganda that makes it go down easy.

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Bad post.

Get a grip on life. (A favorite saying of my Black classmates back in the day.) And watch some H.K. Edgerton videos.

Take a look at the US electoral map. The Reddest states are also the Blackest. If you want Whiteopia, go to Vermont or Oregon. Personally, I'll pass. When Germanic whites get too pure a state, they go full on authoritarian.

Yes, Blacks can be troublesome, but sometimes troublesome is a good thing. The modern hardcore gun culture began with the Black Panthers exercising their Second Amendment rights in the California legislature. And note who defied the crap out of the COVID restrictions.

I'm royally pissed off at Woke White Democrats because they are trying to start a race war -- after I got a screaming deal on a house in return for living in a mixed race neighborhood. I'm cool with the Martin Luther King Dream. (I'm also cool with letting people form separate enclaves. Diversity, baby!) I can let my grass grow long at times and let the cats go outside because I don't live in a stick up the ass all White community.

What we on the pro-freedom Right need to do is learn how to channel this recalcitrance in a productive direction. Arrest shoplifters? Sure! But have some sympathy for those who resist Stop and Frisk, and those who are just trying to be small time business people selling cigarettes on the sidewalk.

There are plenty of jobs that could be done by those with the stereotypical Black talent stack that are either being outsourced, done poorly, or replaced by toxic chemicals or evil robots. We have a housing shortage. Blacks were doing carpentry back in the days of slavery. They were also doing farm work (Duh!). If you want your toxin free pasture raised meat, you need more farm workers. We have millions of aging Baby Boomers who need domestic service. Black were dragged here to do that too.

So pay and honor them for doing useful work! And simplify taxes and regulations so more of them can be free agents and thereby choose their own customers and working hours. The Black janitor, caregiver, garbage man, farm laborer, or service worker IS more worthy than the White commie sociology professor or vulture capitalist.

(And if we pay Blacks well to do what they are currently good at, in a generation or two we might find more Blacks doing White things without the need for affirmative action. The welfare state destroyed Black family values first and hardest. This has had consequences.)

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The south is red because whites outnumber blacks and they have racial solidarity and don’t defect.

During reconstruction, when blacks were the majority in many southern states, they were run the way majority black cities in the rust belt are run. It took Jim Crow to fix it. Only after The Great Migration depopulated the south of blacks to the point of having whit majorities again were they able to bail on Jim Crow without the blacks taking over again.

The problem in the north, in addition to the hyper concentration of blacks in cities, is that northern whites don’t have solidarity. A minority faction of whites can use blacks to gain political and social power over majority whites.

So what you want is for whites to show more solidarity. And one way is to say “you shouldn’t feel guilty about the poor state of blacks”. So that when someone comes and tries to emotionally blackmail into defecting you are resistant to their arguements.

Is that enough, who knows. Steve is a bit more honest about this then Charles. Neither wants to endorse the level of “give no fucks” that someone with their views that did something about it like LKY had. But he was in a different position.

The hard part for the HBD position is that your average white would have to admit they aren’t special either. Thier kid isn’t going to learn to code even if they go to a good school. Blacks might be even dumber but so what.

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It would basically completely end the concept of infinite opportunity that the American Dream is based around, or as Zero HP Lovecraft called it "the American civic religion".

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I'd rather pay people to not vote. As problematic as blacks are, the issues they display are definitely not limited by their skin color. Whites of low character are also a serious problem. If we're going to pay people to stop being a problem, I'd propose offering money to anyone who permanently forfeits their right to vote, or perhaps giving people a UBI with the stipulation that they cannot vote so long as they continue to receive it (and once forfeited, it can never be reclaimed). This could perhaps keep hordes of useless people, of all stripes, out of the voting booth.

As for shipping blacks into an ethno-state, where are you going to put it? Are you just going to carve out part of the existing United States? When the new black ethno-state immediately becomes a shithole, all of its residents will try to flee back into the United States proper. Are we going to just keep them all caged in there to deal with each other? I guess that's an option, but at that point, you're basically keeping them in a huge open-air prison and calling it a "state." If you really give no fucks, I guess you could give it a border with Mexico and let them just filter down into Central America to be someone else's problem.

I might propose that simply getting more serious about black criminality, and locking up the troublemakers in all the regular prisons that we already operate, might be a more realistic option. If we are theorizing that society has shifted its sentiments to such a degree that they are willing to do the things you are proposing, then surely we could find support for better criminal justice sentencing (i.e. actually locking people up and throwing away the key if they prove that that's where they belong). That and bring back serious use of the death penalty for rape and murder.

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This piece presents a thought-provoking position. But I have read enough Charles Murray, a brilliant mind, to believe that he honestly, and probably correctly, sees himself as a rational, objective observer. Not a coward or sellout.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

Precisely, he's not a coward --- he's a psychopath.

Hurting the innocent to help the guilty isn't problematic for him; because he lacks the mental architecture to feel any responsibility towards the innocent and any contempt towards the guilty.

He's just confused by why everyone is pretending that the innocent are guilty or that the guilty are innocent. By the pure accident of having no ability to model other people's moral instincts he's become a truth teller. But only because he's an actual psychopath.

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Please help me see why this essay doesn't simplify to a tautology. What I'm taking away is that analytically segregating people by race finds relative differences in social value that justifies actually segregating based on race. There is practically no means of assigning groups whereby their social values will be equal. That's just life. Should we segregate men from women because women contribute so little economically? Because men commit so much more violent crime?

Racism always has been a mental shortcut. We understand and feel safe with our own ingroup and racism is the simplest means of discriminating ingroups. It may be morally bankrupt to force everyone to support the slowest, weakest, least productive among us by force, but it is equally morally bankrupt to judge or discriminate on anything besides individual merit.

While it's true that it's pragmatic to make assumptions based on characteristics like race, we cannot, by policy, abandon some morals for pragmatism as it inevitably leads to abandoning all morals. This is, as they say, the cost of doing business.

Racism will never end. It's just as deeply embedded in human nature as sex differences. It's unfair, and so is everything else in the world. It's not the great sin that the asinine wokesters make it out to be. They are too stupid to realize that the ultimate end of equality is oblivion. The individual moral act is to simultaneously minimize all forms of unfairness as much as practical. There is no formula for this. It's too fucking complicated for our tiny brains. It certainly can't be legislated. However, just as we are hard-wired and inevitably racist, we are hard-wired to seek fairness. The art is in finding the enlightened balance.

Here's another intuition pump: if an argument feels too good, it is probably wrong as it satisfies too many of our individual biases.

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There's a fair amount of truth in here, particularly this: "Very few dislike blacks merely for being disproportionately low IQ. They dislike them because even the higher IQ ones consistently side with the worst behaved ones."

But there's also a lot of garbage, especially concluding that being bald-faced racist is somehow a good idea. Race realism is something I might want to look more into though. And Hotep Jesus seems generally in favor, or would be if you posed it to him, of creating a black nationalist state, especially if you paid brothers to move there, I think he'd be all for it. Dovetails with Moldbug's references to pillarism or whatever that Dutch idea was.

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>Imagine if a Carthaginian psychopath named…uh… Stevio Sailus

That sounds like a Roman name. I think you mean "Stavobal Salech"...

But yeah, I think if you are aware of HBD but don't want to act politically on it then clearly you should not be voicing political opinions at all. Such people are still stuck in the autism matrix world of forms

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He is drawing awareness to it and shifting the Overton window.

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True, Sailer may be a fencesitter but he often provides good pasta

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To add to this, if we could get most blacks to give up US citizenship that would be an amazing accomplishment, but we're really far from that being politically feasible. I fail to see the point of attacking people who are trying to bring about positive change simply for not trying to change things in a fast and radical enough way, that seems like a mirror of leftist behavior.

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Liberia experiment would be repeated. Blacks consciously and/or subconsciously know that all their achievements eg music, sports etc only ever happened because of being in a white country and having white and Native American DNA present. Getting access to white women (and now mixed Latinas too)is the greatest prize of all,followed by mansions and cars. Where do you think the Andrew Tate character type comes from?The title of a popular song from the 19th applies perfectly-How Do You Keep Them Down on The Farm Now That They've Seen Paree?

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Everyone in this thread needs to read this. It was already tried.

From Wikipedia about Liberia:

"Liberia began in the early 19th century as a project of the American Colonization Society (ACS), which believed black people would face better chances for freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the United States.[7] Between 1822 and the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, more than 15,000 freed and free-born African Americans, along with 3,198 Afro-Caribbeans, relocated to Liberia"

It already happened and no one wants to live in Liberia. While exporting/exiling everyone would be fine, there's no point in pretending that it's a good place to go. Whenever American Blacks go to Africa the Americans are despised for bad attitude and entitlement.

Conversely a more efficient system would be to simply exile anyone who commits a crime of N degree or higher to Israel with no chance to return. Australia the crime away as a societal selection filter.

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