East Asian Extinction level fertility is Genetic
And Beltway Conservatives are Traitors (The E.A Question Part 1)
This post is the first part of a series: Read Part 2 | Part 3
TLDR: The fertility of racially East Asian women born in the USA, is almost exactly the same as back home. Adjusted for inter-marriage with (more pro-natal) Whites, it is EXACTLY THE SAME.
(Note: Graph from ourworldindata only shows figures up to 2021.)
As Asians continue to break their own low fertility records, the rest of the world looks in horror and wonders… ‘Why?’ and ‘Is this our fate?’ Look at the datapoints below from 2023:
Fertility 1 : South Korea - 0.72 | Taiwan* 0.86 | Japan 1.20 | UK: 1.54 (UK born women)*
GDP(PPP) 2: S. Korea 53.76K | Taiwan 69.24K | UK: 57.46 K
* We’ll be using Taiwan here in lieu of China since China has not reached near comparable GDP PPP figures and to pre-empt criticism that their one child policy is responsible for whatever we find.
*UK used in lieu of US figures here since they were broken down by birthplace and immigration began in mass at a later yr in the UK.
And they’ve been at this for awhile now. These are their average fertility rates for the 2000 - 2015 period 3:
SK: 1.22 | Taiwan: 1.15 | Japan: 1.35 | Un-weighed Avg: 1.24
Again why? Do we need to invade and occupy them all to destroy their oppressive anti-natalist regime? Just look at how much they value family and love (Pew 2021)!
Narrator: They do not in fact value family and love very much. See the footnotes for a response to objections to my interpretation of this data.
But what if US Born East Asians were like this too?
Let’s check in on the fertility of US born East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) weighed for respective populations within the US and compare it the the figure of that same weighed population back home. Then lets compare it to US born White Fertility.
US Born CJK Fertility = 1.38 | vs 1.197 if they were born and stayed in Asia (2000 - 2015).
US BORN White Fertility: 1.89
Ouch, East Asians are clearly passing on more of their anti-natalist culture than we thought. 1.38 vs 1.197? We’ve done some good work in defeating it but clearly there’s more to be done here at home.
Wait have we? Don’t women have more babies depending on how much they like their mates? Don’t men’s tastes in babies matter?
Well we know that Asian women in the US seem to prefer white men over Asian men, (OKCUPID survey on reply rates 2009 6):
and marry out at a rate of 54% (PEW RESEARCH data from 2015 7) .
So let’s adjust White men into the completely hypothetical Asian women if they were born and stayed in Asia figure. Let’s imagine that these hypothetical Asian women who were born and stayed in Asia but married to White men will have a fertility rate halfway between their own and the white female rate.
1.197 (ASIA) + 1.89 (White American) / 2 = 1.54
[54% out-marriers * 1.54 (fertility)] + [0.46 in-marriers * 1.197 (fertility)] = 1.38.
Now where have we read that number before? Oh, yeah. It’s the East Asian US BORN FERTILITY RATE!
—1.38 VS… 1.38 — “Culture” clearly matters a lot.
East Asian US born women (CJK women) don’t just make similar fertility choices to those back home. They behave exactly the same (but for marriage to white-men).
For East Asian Women as a collective, RACE IS A PERFECT DETERMINANT of their most critical personal behavior. Culture is either in the blood or irrelevant here.
But why does being East Asian predispose you to such a low fertility rate?
European vs. Asian sexual evolution
Nature has made fertile men and fertile women different not merely to each other but also different to infertile men and infertile women. It has programmed in them a strong attraction to critical valuable traits. What happens when you not only regulate it (a pre-condition for civilization) but tell it to go f'*ck itself, and decide that fertile women should have no say whatsoever in who they reproduce with?
One would assume that those positive traits which fertile women are best programmed to select for would either be reduced or go extinct. But there’s no need to assume. This experiment has already been run. East Asians ran it. Europeans did the opposite. Let me describe the European experiment first.
It is tempting to imagine that the Modern European’s instinctive revulsion to the idea either of being forced to marry someone she doesn’t want to, or barred from marrying she wants to… is some new artifact of modernity. The former however is the norm from the very beginning in the codified Germanic laws established throughout Northwestern Europe after Germanic tribes conquered the Roman Empire 8.
And when the Catholic church confronted the latter question; whether marriage could be valid without the consent of parents, was unambiguous in it’s support. Citing creatively the bible verse that; “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6); the church consistently upheld even secret marriages made without the consent or knowledge of anyone but the participants. 9
Furthermore, the high median female age of first marriage throughout North-Western Europe (22+ in 1600s Britain for example) 10 gave her the independence to make this official freedom a lived reality. When one adds these facts to:
- A Church and Civil ban on cousin-marriage to force men and women to look outward;
- Common mixed-sex public interactions and dances;
One gets a very clear picture of a society attuned to obtaining the benefits of aligning with natural instincts instead of crushing them.
In China and Korea nearly all marriages were arranged. In Japan most were. And unlike the kinds of more modern arranged marriages that are unfairly stigmatized today; these arrangements, at least outside of Japan - involved no role for fertile female choice or male choice for that matter (i.e. no interactions between the soon to be married - occurring before the marriage was fully contracted).
Total female seclusion from non-kin males both pre and post marriage ensured the success of this arrangement. To remarry, even after the death of one’s husband was stigmatized.
The Han Chinese, famously left nothing to chance in ensuring seclusion; with nearly all upper, middle class and many other class households (up to 50% of the population) breaking the feet of their girls to ensure their limited mobility and subservience to the East Asian Marital process.
To summarize:
European women have long bred under freedom, both East Asian men and women have long done so under compulsion.
What should we expect their preferences to be now that they are free? To Ask this question is to answer it, but we’ve answered it already. East Asian men and women don’t like kids and don’t like each other; so they are going to go extinct unless they adopt policies Westerners, even pre-feminism — would find disturbing.
All this of course would be of merely anthropological (maybe humanitarian) concern if we hadn’t imported East Asians by the millions and they didn’t have IQs 5 points higher on average.
How do people who don’t care for family, and who are on top of that a racial minority vote? We don’t have exact comparisons, but the ones we have are not pretty for right-wingers or moderates.
53% of White 18 - 24yr olds told CNBC pollsters they voted Trump in 2020 12
88% of 18-29 Asian registered voters told PEW they lean or identify with Democrats (2023). 13
And what kind of Leftism and what kind of society (not everything is political) will they help bring about for your children to enjoy? Will it be the economically stagnant but relatively chill 1970s Sweden? Or will it be one that leaves your children pining for the comparative freedom of the Soviet Union?
This is the first post in our The EA Question Series. The next post or two in this series will describe:
- How Racial differences in behavior evident in East Asian Adults correspond exactly to those evident in Infants. The Science proves, and has long proved that “Culture” is just the expression of temperaments fixed in genes from birth. This being the case, it’s no wonder assimilation has failed so clearly. East Asian high rates of Masking here and at home? - Genes.
- Data showing just how non-innovative East Asians are (and have long been).
- The obscene quality gap between East Asian music and that of Ancient Greece; not to mention even 1300s Britain.
Nearly all countries and societies have long considered acts of treason as particularly heinous and punished them accordingly. Yet the life of the average Briton would not be much different had he lost WW1 (or even WWII), nor is the life of a Canadian unrecognizable to those of us on the other side of the border. And while in many ways grim and horrible, we can still recognize the life of a Soviet (post-Stalin at least) as having it’s quirks and it’s beauty and it’s meaning.
Yet what is at stake in a world with 1.3 Billion Chinese… is nothing less than the total extinction of our way of life. What punishment could possibly be enough for The American so-called “Conservative” who, inheriting all the benefits of a 1000yr experiment in freedoms unparalleled anywhere else betrays this all for… nothing? And of what use are any institutions that create, or allow people so totally indifferent to the world they leave behind for their children, to exercise any authority whatsoever?
Every-time an evil regime falls, the ghouls who staffed it always insist they really didn’t know and that they merely made an honest mistake. As I layout the data clearly, I want to deny them any pretense to this absurd defense.
Anglo-Law recognizes the concept of depraved heart murder. It’s basic idea is that if you push a boulder down a hill in the direction of a highway; and kill someone, we do not very much care whether you specifically intended that outcome. Unless you are retarded, in which case the loss of your civil rights and your placement under tutelage is the remedy; Anglo-Law recognizes that only a monster would show such careless disregard for human life. What’s the higher IQ equivalent of this? Are we to pretend Beltway Conservative-pro immigration types and their Libertarian counterparts cannot do basic arithmetic? Are they gonna tell us they just never read surveys, or even the popular press?
This is treason. ‘Conservatives’ are engaged in treason.
The Futurist Right is not about the mindless fascination with novelty for it’s own sake. It is about rejecting entirely those who betray traditions so old they live in our genes. And it is about the willingness to reconsider, with a somber eye all the institutions that allowed them to do this.
If you think this project is as important as I do, I can’t imagine a better use of your money or at least your email.
—-Notes, references and qualifiers are below. Read them! They are important.
South Korean Fertility figures for 2023 from Financial Times (other sources concur), Japanese figures reported by Asahi from Japanese Health ministry data. Taiwanese figures from Taiwanese govt.
South Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese GDP(PPP) figures from IMF.
Historic Taiwanese Fertility data from UN via ourworldindata. South Korean and Japanese data from WorldBank (click download CSV for 2nd decimal level data used in calculations).
The report by PEW notes that East Asians in general are disproportionately likely to give only one answer when asked about what gives them meaning. This might be thought to be responsible for their comparatively low rates of answering that family and romantic relationships give them meaning. The issue with this interpretation is two-fold: 1) Both for the Taiwanese and South Koreans family is the THIRD most commonly provided source of meaning, coming in behind material well being and health in South Korea and Society and Material well being in Taiwan. Family comes in 1st in Singapore, but Singapore data is not broken down by race and given that it’s Chinese fertility matches Taiwan’s almost perfectly while it’s Malays enjoy near replacement fertility and Indians are above 1.0; these minorities are probably responsible for the ranking in question. Only of the Japanese can we say that they rank family first and this matches their considerably higher fertility 1.20 vs South Korea’s 0.72. This is consistent with the Japanese minority tradition of at least some love marriages. 2) The other issue with this interpretation is the possibility that East Asians answer less because they value everything less, but are expected to give an answer when polled.
“Persistent low fertility among the East Asia descendants in the United States: perspectives and implications” by Yong Cai (NorthWestern) and S. Phillip Morgan (Duke and fmr. director of the Carolina Population Center) published in China Population and Development studies give the 1.38 US born Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fertility figure. Population distribution used for Asians staying in Asia hypothetical category comes from their table on the US Census of 1990.
“Among Asian newlyweds, these gender differences exist for both immigrants (15% men, 31% women) and the U.S. born (38% men, 54% women). While the gender gap among Asian immigrants has remained relatively stable, the gap among the U.S. born has widened substantially since 1980, when intermarriage stood at 46% among newlywed Asian men and 49% among newlywed Asian women.” - Report: Trends and patterns in intermarriage (PEW 2017)
Mcfarlane’s “Marriage and Love in England: 1300 - 1840” describes the laws to this effect. While it’s primary focus is the timeline described in the title, it cites the laws of Clotaire (560 AD) and of Cnut (early 1000s AD)… in describing the historic Germanic tradition of opposition to forced marriage. It also lays out clear evidence for the existence of an ancient Germanic custom of permitted marriage against the wishes of parents which remained uninhibited in Britain even as the re-introduction of Roman Civil Law elsewhere opposed it. The other country where this norm remained unabridged was Sweden.
See Charles Donahue Jr’s paper on Canon Law and Marriage in the Journal of Family History.
Original Paper on the Hajnal Line, Wikipedia Summary .
See the section on Korean Women in Quaint Korea by Louise Jordan Miln an 1895 travelogue covered extensively by leading British Newspapers including the Times of London.
PEW 2021 survey.
If you want to attribute the variance in some trait in a population to variance in genetics then you must measure the heritability of the trait in question. Otherwise you are musing over a black box. Countless differences in environment could ultimately lead to roughly the same fertility rate overall. This may seem unlikely to you, but it is no more unlikely than the variance in a trait as social and complex as fertility being entirely decided by genes.
I think there is something in your theory that end of atranged marriage and rose of individual mating choice among Asians has left them in an 'evolutionary mismatch'.
I noted to myself once that Iranian chaps are physically unattractive. Maybe it's a gene-culture thing that arose because they didn't have to compete for females on basis of looks. East Asian men are handsomer I guess but maybe something related obtains with them at some level: they can't attract women in open market because they haven't got the goods physically.
I have read that Muslim birthrates among *some* groups (not pakis) in the West are starting to decline (maybe along with decline of arranged marriage?). If they really start to tank it might serve to support your theory about effect of free marriage choice on east asian fertility.
No idea if the above is cogent I'm very tired