I think there is something in your theory that end of atranged marriage and rose of individual mating choice among Asians has left them in an 'evolutionary mismatch'.

I noted to myself once that Iranian chaps are physically unattractive. Maybe it's a gene-culture thing that arose because they didn't have to compete for females on basis of looks. East Asian men are handsomer I guess but maybe something related obtains with them at some level: they can't attract women in open market because they haven't got the goods physically.

I have read that Muslim birthrates among *some* groups (not pakis) in the West are starting to decline (maybe along with decline of arranged marriage?). If they really start to tank it might serve to support your theory about effect of free marriage choice on east asian fertility.

No idea if the above is cogent I'm very tired

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Great essay. I've subscribed!

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If you want to attribute the variance in some trait in a population to variance in genetics then you must measure the heritability of the trait in question. Otherwise you are musing over a black box. Countless differences in environment could ultimately lead to roughly the same fertility rate overall. This may seem unlikely to you, but it is no more unlikely than the variance in a trait as social and complex as fertility being entirely decided by genes.

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Perhaps, despite enormous cultural differences, the specific cultural elements affecting fertility in East Asia are also present in the West. All those countries are capitalists, materialist and have low religiosity.

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The OKcupid data is not a good reference. Many niche ethnic dating apps for people looking to date in their own community, so the interpretation is distorted.

Also, don't you think its a little bold to say East Asians hate each other and their families? Perhaps there are other factors at play here with declining birth rates? I suspect its mainly economics or maybe anime. Maybe you can check the birth rate from post WW2 to now and see when the decline started.

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I know It seemed to have started around 1970 in Japan. Personally I think its urbanization. We know overcrowding, apartment blocks are terrible for fertility. Also I think urban life could disconnect you from nature, and disrupt the passing of religion.

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>The OKcupid data is not a good reference. Many niche ethnic dating apps for people looking to date in their own community, so the interpretation is distorted.

Yes, this point isn't made often enough when people bring up this data. When you put together a sample of whites, at least some of whom are not really open to interracial dating, with a sample of people of other races who have been directly self-selected for an interest in dating whites, you can't assume this translates to the dynamics of interracial dating in the population as a whole.

Though I still think the East Asian female outmarriage rate speaks for itself. That's an independent and much more powerful confirmation of this point. Plus it aligns with common anecdotal experience. I'm much skeptical of the OKcupid data indicating that, for example, black women are more receptive to white men than black men. I don't think I've ever seen or heard anything, in data or in life, that would lead me to believe this.

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I know I have used the OKCUPID study as a reference myself before but embarrassingly, it just now occurred to me that there is a heavy cultural selection bias in it. Not, perhaps, in the number of replies themselves but the selection out of any racial category that actually ends up using the app, or any dating app. I’m not sure about how or if other Asian immigrant communities in the west engage in any sort of “arranged” dating/marriages but I know that it is actually extremely common in Indian immigrants. In my experience, the Indian guys and gals that are the most attractive don’t really bother with dating apps because our culture still heavily promotes marriages over casual relationships and hookups. The only Indian guys that are out to try their luck on dating apps are either the intelligent eccentrics or the extremely unattractive guys, either of which don’t fit the typical expectations on all the marriage oriented matchmaking forums. For East Asians that I know, they do actually prefer dating apps a lot more so this kind of bias might not exist, but the OKCUPID study is usually used to gauge relative attractiveness among different races and that perception is definitely skewed in that study.

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It would be nice if you could get the stats of the fertility of white men-asian women vs Asian man-white women marriages/couples to check your theory. And also any other combinations of races would be interesting too.

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I thought White American fertility was around 1.6, not 1.89.

I also thought East Asians leaned right of center, at least the Chinese and Vietnamese? Based on data, but also based on my personal experience. I know that the Subcontinental Asians are woke AF.

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A truly free society is an adult society that enables the perpetual development and self-actualization of its adult populace. It is anti-natalist and against mass childrearing by necessity.

That are you determined to promote reproduction in this, frankly, primitive and demonic way as opposed to by any other developing means makes you no Futurist at all. You yearn for a dirt reality. You can imagine no different and yearn to live under the evolutionary circumstance of your ancestors like a mindless ape.

What you ultimately desire would render all of society -- and human life itself -- indefensible and unworthy of cooperative participation. A "Right Wing Future" -- or a Christian future, you mean -- is so backward and would regress human reality into such a state of evolutionary mediocrity and failed spiritual evolution, that it would be worthy only of annihilation.

Not to mention that East Asian males, with their hairless bodies, slender physiques, and great complexions are probably the most consistently decent looking human male population. Their aesthetics are what all humans should be striving toward.

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The problem with this article is that it has a decent argument. It has an inflammatory claim. However, it doesn't even bother to provide a link between the two.

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On some level - who cares? Whatever threat they are, they'll rapidly cease to be because they'll just nonbreed themselves out of existence, unless you think that in their brief time left on earth they'll inflict lasting damage on the West by voting for liberals or whatever that will last a thousand generations.

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What’s this about Ancient Greek music being “obscenely” better quality than Ancient Chinese? lol. Can you link to any papers?

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Papers?! Why not listen to music and think for yourself?

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Don’t know where I would even start to find accurate reconstructions of Ancient Greek or Chinese music. I don’t know if dudes a historical musicologist/archeologist or whatever you’d call such a thing? Just wondering where he got that take from. I prefer comparative literature from a peer reviewed journal. I don’t want to hear for myself and form a subjective opinion like a fag.

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TLDR; Rigor is our friend

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I love the implication that East Asians are smart because we all want to get away from the opposite sex of the same race. I'm of East Asian descent, and even outside the US, this kind of tracks!

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I'm definitely curious to read the rest of this series. My default feeling toward East Asian immigrants is fairly positive since they are smart and make good allies against the affirmative action regime, but their tendency toward bootlicking is admittedly a concern. If it were up to me I would probably selectively admit only Asians who had more disagreeable and independent personalities, although I'm not sure how to measure that since we don't seem to have equivalent tests for traits other than IQ.

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